
Ashlyn Day

Administrative Assistant

Ashlyn, the administrative assistant for Element, was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, and relocated to St. George three years ago. With a warm and friendly demeanor, she thrives in her role, enjoying the opportunity to interact with people on a daily basis. Her passion for building connections and fostering positive relationships makes her an invaluable asset to the team. Ashlyn’s dedication to her work is evident in her attention to detail and her ability to efficiently manage administrative tasks. She takes pride in providing exceptional support to her colleagues, ensuring a smooth workflow and a pleasant work environment.

Outside of work, Ashlyn embraces her love for socializing, always seeking new opportunities to engage with others and create meaningful connections. Her genuine interest in people and her ability to make others feel comfortable make her a true people person. Ashlyn has completed her general education studies at Utah Tech University and thoroughly enjoys the St. George area. She recently returned from an 18-month mission in the Alpine German-speaking area of southern Germany and surrounding countries. Ashlyn has been a competitive soccer player most of her life, and she brings that same competitive spirit and work ethic to the team. She is determined, proactive, and loves working with other people!